(972) 562-0674
1502 W. University Drive #107 | Mckinney, Texas 75069

Meniere’s, meniere's diseaseMeniere’s disease falls under the category of an inner ear condition. It was named after Prosper Meniere, a French doctor who discovered that it was actually a condition of the ear, rather than the brain (the popular theory at the time). He recognized there is a group of symptoms that accompanies this particular problem. They include:

*To be diagnosed with Meniere’s disease, you must have at least two or three of these symptoms.

Diagnosing Meniere’s Disease

When you visit your primary care doctor with complaints of tinnitus, vertigo, and hearing loss, he or she will probably have you go through some testing to see exactly what is going on. The doctor may order the following tests:

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Caring for Meniere’s Disease

Traditional care for Meniere’s disease often results in a suggestion from your primary care doctor for a prescription or possible surgery. If medication is recommended, it will be to care for one of the symptoms of the condition because there is no medication for Meniere’s disease as a whole. Motion sickness medication is often recommended to ease vertigo, nausea, and vomiting.  Anti-nausea (antiemetic) medicine may be prescribed. A diuretic may be prescribed to decrease the amount of fluid the body contains. Or the doctor may suggest getting an injection of medication to deaden the nerves in the inner ear.

Vestibular rehabilitation exercises can be helpful with reducing vertigo. These exercises train your brain to accept the difference in balance between your two ears and are often taught by a physical therapist. Hearing aids may be suggested as well.

Surgery isn’t often required for Meniere’s disease unless it is extremely severe and no other options have been seen to help. Surgery can be done on the endolymphatic sac to decrease the amount of fluid produced. Or a vestibular nerve section procedure to cut the nerve that connects the ear to the brain may be done. This reduces vertigo while preserving hearing. As a last resort, a labyrinthectomy is done to remove the inner ear, impeding the balance and hearing function of that ear.

A Natural Option for Meniere’s Disease that Works!

A study observed 139 people diagnosed with Meniere’s disease. When asked to rate their vertigo on a scale of 0 to 10 (10 being the worst), they came up with an average of 8.5. After a course of care for 2 years by an upper cervical chiropractor, the number dropped to 1.4! This study shows that this type of chiropractic care does work to help with Meniere’s disease symptoms. Why is this the case? Another clue came from this same study. It was found that each of these 139 patients had a misalignment in the bones of their upper cervical spine due to previous trauma, mostly vehicle accidents.

Here at Crowder Specific Chiropractic is McKinney, Texas, we use a similar method to the one used in the above-mentioned study. It is gentle and precise. It helps realign the bones in a more natural way than popping or cracking them. This leads to a longer-lasting adjustment and many see relief from their symptoms of Meniere’s.


Crowder Specific Chiropractic

Helping patient's with their health problems and to determine the course needed to get the them back to health.

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Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday:
8:30am – 12:00pm, 2:00pm – 6:00pm
2:00pm – 6:00pm
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