(972) 562-0674
1502 W. University Drive #107 | Mckinney, Texas 75069


September 19, 2021
5 Ways to Treat Pinched Nerves According to an Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Mckinney TX

An Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Mckinney TX is no stranger to patients complaining about pinched nerves. It can bring extreme pain and discomfort that can affect your productivity and overall quality of life. But don’t despair, there are non-invasive ways to manage pinched nerves that you can explore. Continue reading to know more about them.

August 15, 2021
What is Vertigo: Let's Unpack Some Facts

Are you experiencing weird sensations such as the ground spinning or moving? Called “vertigo,” the feeling can be severe that it can make you feel unsteady on your feet. On worse days, you may call in sick to work.  Vertigo is a sign of a wide range of various conditions. It can occur if you […]

June 20, 2021
McKinney, TX Neck Pain Chiropractor Explains Neck Pain

If you ever notice bouts of neck pain that happen far too often, you can visit a McKinney, TX Neck Pain Chiropractor to help identify and address the root cause of your condition. About 15 million Americans experience neck pain, and some causes can be easy to deal with especially if you know what they […]

May 16, 2021
Did You Know That Inflammation Can Lead to Migraines?

Have you felt a persisting, throbbing headache when you get a cold virus? In that case, you probably had a migraine episode from inflammation.  People looking for migraine relief in McKinney usually connect migraines to several triggers like stress, hormonal fluctuations, and sleeping issues. Little did they know, migraines and inflammation can be linked as […]

March 21, 2021
The Migraine Relief in McKinney That'll Manage All Your Symptoms

Migraines are more than just an ordinary headache. They can be debilitating and cause a lot of pain and discomfort. We want to provide our readers with hope that migraines don’t have to lead to disability or lifelong medication use, so we will discuss some of the most common and debilitating symptoms of this condition […]

February 21, 2021
Neck Pain Causes You Never Considered

McKinney TX upper cervical chiropractors say we are often guilty of causing our neck pain. Instead of looking for something big to pin the blame on, it might be time to take stock of some activities setting off the pain. Unlikely but Possible Culprits of Neck Pain Everyone is glued to a mobile device these […]

December 20, 2020
McKinney Chiropractor Helps Differentiate Peripheral and Central Vertigo

Vertigo is the sensation that you’re moving when you are actually standing still. It can be caused by many different factors, but the two most common types are peripheral and central vertigo. In this infographic, McKinney chiropractor Dr. Terry Crowder helps us differentiate these two types of vertigo pain. As you can see, upper cervical […]

November 15, 2020
Conditions You Probably Didn’t Know Cause Vertigo

Close to 40% of adults in the US experience vertigo. For this reason, every chiropractor for vertigo in McKinney tries to explain to patients the reasoning behind their symptoms.  If you’ve ever felt as though you or your surroundings are spinning for no reason, this sensation is what doctors refer to as vertigo. It is […]

September 21, 2020
The Upper Cervical Care in McKinney for Neck-pain-induced Migraines

Migraines are a debilitating condition that can affect people of all ages. Many migraine sufferers experience neck pain but don’t even associate it along with the neurological condition. But could neck pain really be a symptom or trigger to this debilitating headache? Let’s take a closer look at the significant link between migraines and neck […]

August 16, 2020
Ignore These 7 Myths Concerning Migraines

A migraine chiropractor in Mckinney provides relief for migraines and headaches. Migraines can be very crippling and one of the most widespread health conditions today. About 12% of people – including children – suffer from migraine attacks. In addition, about 90% of people with migraines have a family member with this condition. Nowadays, there seemed […]

Crowder Specific Chiropractic

Helping patient's with their health problems and to determine the course needed to get the them back to health.

Crowder Specific Chiropractic Reviews

Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday:
8:30am – 12:00pm, 2:00pm – 6:00pm
2:00pm – 6:00pm
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