(972) 562-0674
1502 W. University Drive #107 | Mckinney, Texas 75069

My Back Hurts: Is It a Pulled Muscle or a Pinched Nerve?

pinched nerves chiropractor in McKinney

We are meant to feel some kind of back pain at one time or another. The pain may come from a pulled muscle caused by doing repetitive movements, lifting heavy objects, and excess body weight. Besides a pulled muscle, back pain can also root from a pinched nerve. Either way, back pain is not fun to experience.

But, how can you know whether you have a pulled muscle or a pinched nerve? What are the main differences between those two causes of back pain? When should you visit a pinched nerves chiropractor in McKinney? To answer all your questions, be sure to read this blog until the end.


Pulled Muscles: Warning Signs, Causes, and Remedies 

A pulled muscle or strained muscle can creep in your body as a sharp and radiating pain. It occurs when your body tissues stretch or tear when you bend your body too much. This injury can cause a mild or severe inconvenience to anyone who endures it. 


Below are the common back pain symptoms caused by a pulled muscle:

  • Muscle spasms in the lower and upper back
  • Tightness and tension in the back and shoulders
  • Pain when you move or roll your shoulders
  • Waves of pain in the area between the upper back and the shoulder blade
  • Stiffness in the lower and upper back muscles
  • Limited range of motion 
  • Pain when bending, sitting, walking, or standing
  • Pain in the hips, thighs, and legs

Reasons Behind a Pulled Back Muscle

Injuries from repetitive motion

This kind of injury occurs when a movement is done repeatedly. Twisting and bending are examples of repetitive movements. Frequently performing these body movements can take a toll on your muscles, causing them to suffer from strain and injury. Returning to your regular activities before your pulled muscle heals can worsen your back pain. 

Lack of muscle movements

Just as repetitive movement causes pulled muscles, lack of motion can also cause the same effect. The lesser you use your body muscles, the weaker they become. In addition, lack of motion can also make your muscles smaller, which decreases their strength. A decrease in strength of the back muscles can lead to a chronic backache. Therefore, you must ensure that you stretch and move your muscles from time to time. Moving your muscles is highly important, especially if you are working on your desk all day. 

Overstretching the back muscles

Overstretching is one of the leading causes of pulled muscles. Overstretching occurs when exercising and lifting heavy objects that make you bend your back too much. These actions can force your back muscles to stretch beyond their capabilities. 

Pulled Muscle Recovery Methods

Here are a couple of natural remedies that may help you recover from a pulled muscle:

Ice packs

You may do this home remedy by yourself or ask someone to do it for you. Apply ice on the affected spot on your back to reduce inflammation. Be sure to wrap the ice with a towel and do not apply it directly to your skin.


If you experience excruciating pulled muscle pain, be sure to give your body some rest. Once you start to feel better, you need to get your back moving again to avoid stiffness. 


Certain medications are helpful to reduce back pain due to a pulled muscle. Be sure to consult your doctor to know the best medication for your pain.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and pinched nerves, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Pinched Nerves: Warning Signs, Causes, and Remedies

A pinched nerve or compressed nerve occurs when the surrounding tissues in your body apply too much pressure on a nerve. The most common places where pinched nerves may develop are the fingers, neck, shoulders, feet, toes, and back. 


  • Sharp, burning, and aching pain in the back that may extend down the leg
  • Tingling or pins and needles sensations
  • Numbness in the back and other parts of the body
  • Muscle weakness in the back and the surrounding areas

Reasons Behind a Pinched Nerve in the Back

Upper neck misalignment

When the topmost bones in your upper neck squeeze out of alignment, pinched nerves in the back may occur.  This subluxation can put pressure on the nerves that are traveling through your spine. When left untreated, a pinched nerve in the back can result in an unbearable amount of pain. A pinched nerves chiropractor in McKinney can fix this issue by realigning your off-centered spine.

Herniated discs 

A herniated disc, also known as a bulging disc, is one of the common causes of a pinched nerve. A herniated disc in the lower back can compress and irritate the sciatic nerve. This nerve compression may result in tingling, numbness, weakness, and severe pain in the lower back. Unfortunately, a pinched nerve in the back can cause radiating pain down your leg and feet. 

Pinched Nerve Recovery Methods

Posture improvement

Poor posture can cause significant health problems in the body, including pinched nerves. So, be sure that you maintain proper posture when sitting, standing, or sleeping. Proper posture can also relieve pressure in the nerve and allow it to recover naturally.


A massage can help alleviate back pain – a symptom of a pinched nerve. Applying gentle pressure on the affected area can ease tension and will allow your back muscles to relax. 

Visiting a pinched nerves chiropractor in McKinney 

Upper cervical chiropractic care can resolve pinched nerves in the upper neck. Adjusting the upper neck bones back to proper alignment can release pressure from the pinched nerve and reduce inflammation. Upper cervical chiropractic care is a non-surgical option to get to the root of your pain. After getting upper neck adjustments, you can expect reduced back pain and a better range of motion.


Set an Appointment with Our Pinched Nerves Chiropractor in McKinney!

At Crowder Specific Chiropractic, you will receive excellent upper cervical chiropractic care. Our pinched nerves chiropractor in McKinney provides a long-term solution for pain. To begin your pinched nerve recovery journey, contact our office today. You may request an online appointment here or call our office at (972) 562-0674.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Crowder, call our McKinney office at (972) 562-0674. You can also click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

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