(972) 562-0674
1502 W. University Drive #107 | Mckinney, Texas 75069


April 23, 2017
A Common Cause of Neck Pain – Carrying the Weight of Your Head

Many of us walk around accepting some level of pain or discomfort in our neck as a normal part of life.  It's easy to write it off as "I slept funny" or "I sit at a desk for my work all day," but the truth is, you shouldn't be experiencing neck pain on a chronic […]

April 16, 2017
Understanding Headache Types and Where to Find Relief

The pain from headaches and migraines has been said to be some of the worst that a person can endure. Finding a way to cope with them can be even more difficult as there are a huge number of options with very few satisfying results. Some may feel that a migraine is just a really […]

March 19, 2017
How McKinney, TX Resident Are Coping with Dizziness

Around 15% of people experience dizziness at one time or another. The number jumps to as much 40% as a person gets older. Dizziness is one of the main reasons that people visit their primary care doctor. It is often severe enough to limit a person’s daily activities, yet it is rarely serious enough to […]

March 12, 2017
Finding a Drug-Free Way to Relieve Neck Pain

Neck pain is gaining ground on back pain as one of the most common and debilitating conditions plaguing people worldwide. Out of every 10 people, 1 suffers from neck pain. Out of every 20 people, 1 describes the pain as severe. Finding out what exactly is causing neck pain can leave both patients and doctors […]

February 19, 2017
Natural Migraine Relief Versus Nerve Stimulation

Migraines affect approximately 12% of Americans, which equates to about 38 million people. That’s a lot of people looking for fast ways to get relief. Unfortunately, there are not many options for migraine relief, and most only provide symptomatic care. In other words, rather than preventing migraines, they simply cover over the symptoms when one […]

February 12, 2017
Successful Vertigo Relief Method in McKinney, Texas

If you ever feel like the room spinning or have other false sensations of motion, then you are experiencing vertigo. Acute attacks can come about suddenly and last anywhere from a few moments to a few hours or more. A severe bout can lead to nausea or cause a person to fall. As a result, […]

January 22, 2017
Care Options for Neck Pain in McKinney, TX

From improper sleep position to fender benders to staring down at your smartphone, there are many ways that neck pain can develop just from day to day living.  Having neck pain can leave you scrambling to find relief. Remedies for Neck Pain Take over-the-counter pain relievers such as Advil or Tylenol Apply ice or heat. […]

January 15, 2017
Coping with Chronic Migraines in McKinney, TX

One may wonder what constitutes chronic migraines. A person must: Be previously diagnosed with migraines Experience migraines 15 or more days in a month Experience chronic migraines that last four or more hours Experience this kind of a migraine at least three months in a row It is understandable then that people suffering from chronic […]

December 18, 2016
How Proper Spinal Alignment Aids in Vertigo Relief

Vertigo has been defined as a spinning sensation of either the person experiencing it or the things surrounding him. It is the feeling of movement when there is no movement. Between 5 and 10% of the population suffers from vertigo. It is often linked to problems within the inner ear. Vertigo is known for: Ringing […]

December 11, 2016
Common Sources of Neck Pain in McKinney, TX

Neck pain is such a common condition that you'd be hard pressed to find someone who hasn't experienced it at some point.  Neck pain can arise for many reasons, but the one thing they all have in common is an increase in stress and strain on the spine.   Overuse of mobile technology – This […]

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Crowder Specific Chiropractic

Helping patient's with their health problems and to determine the course needed to get the them back to health.

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2:00pm – 6:00pm
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