(972) 562-0674
1502 W. University Drive #107 | Mckinney, Texas 75069


May 9, 2016
Neck Pain—A Common Side-Effect of Tablet Use

Neck pain is a common problem in the world today, and it may become even more problematic due to the ubiquitous use of tablets, especially for TV binge-watching. Before you spend 4 hours or more slumped over the small screen catching up on your favorite show, consider the following. Posture and Your Upper Cervical Spine […]

May 2, 2016
Are You Avoiding Migraine Triggers?

Many migraine sufferers have an idea of what events during their day may lead to a full-blown attack. It can be stressful to attempt to avoid certain foods or lifestyle behaviors in order to prevent a pounding migraine. Some common triggers include: - Stress – Physical and/or emotional stress - Menstruation – Hormone changes just […]

April 25, 2016
5 Common Migraine Triggers

If you suffer from migraines, you’re not alone.  Over 12% of the population suffers from migraines, which adds up to approximately 38 million men, women, and children. Many chronic sufferers are able to identify certain foods or environmental factors that will likely trigger an episode. Here are five common factors that can trigger the onset […]

April 18, 2016
The Devastating After Effects of Whiplash

Whiplash is the over-extending of muscles of the neck that causes them to become sprained or torn. It is usually due to an accident of some sort. When this over-extension occurs, the bones of the upper neck can become misaligned causing problems throughout the body. This condition affects up to two million people in the […]

April 11, 2016
Vertigo - What Is It and Is Relief Available?

Vertigo is the feeling of spinning or rotation of a person or things around him while he is not actually moving. A child spinning around until he gets dizzy is an example of self-imposed vertigo. This disorder can indicate an internal problem when there is no explainable cause like spinning. Two Different Reasons for Vertigo […]

March 28, 2016
Natural, Lasting Recovery from Concussion Is Possible

Concussions have been in the limelight a lot recently.  Generating awareness about concussions is something we’ve done at Crower Specific Chiropractic for some time now, and it seems like everyone else is catching on.  A recent article in the New York Times reports that Ivy League football coaches have made a move to eliminate all […]

March 21, 2016
Vertigo - Developing an Understanding in McKinney TX

The Vestibular system is responsible for balance. That is why a dysfunction with any part of this system, such as the inner ear, can result in issues like vertigo. What is vertigo? It is the sensation that the room is spinning around you or that you are spinning when you are not. Think of how […]

March 7, 2016
Migraines, Asthma and the Spinal Connection

Migraines are an extremely common condition, affecting a whopping 38 million men, women, and children in the U.S. alone.  Also it tend to run in families – if one parent is a migraine sufferer, there is a 40% chance that their child will also have migraines.  If both parents are affected, that chance grows to […]

February 29, 2016
Understanding Meniere’s Disease in McKinney, TX

Meniere’s disease got its name after a French physician proposed a theory about how the bouts of vertigo attacks, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), and loss of hearing had their origins in the inner ear rather than from the brain, which was the current belief at that time.  This was in 1861, and many theories […]

February 22, 2016
Natural Fibromyalgia Treatment in McKinney, Texas

Relieving Fibromyalgia at Its Source While some might jest that fibromyalgia is all in the head of the sufferer, the truth is more likely that it is in a person’s neck. How can this be the case? When the C1 and C2 vertebrae, the top two in the neck, are misaligned, many chronic conditions such […]

Crowder Specific Chiropractic

Helping patient's with their health problems and to determine the course needed to get the them back to health.

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Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday:
8:30am – 12:00pm, 2:00pm – 6:00pm
2:00pm – 6:00pm
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