People around the globe seem to be experiencing more migraines than ever before. In America, 1 out of every 4 people have either chronic headaches (more than 15 days during a month) or migraines, and as many as 12 million see their family doctor because of headaches. The cost of caring for headaches is as high as $31 billion per year!
A migraine is not simply a bad headache. In fact, it is not a headache at all, but rather a neurological condition that has a headache as one of its main symptoms. Other symptoms that accompany it are a throbbing head pain (usually only affecting one side), nausea and vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.
Family doctors will often recommend a prescription or over-the-counter medications to help alleviate the symptoms of a head pain. However, patients are beginning to want natural options, if at all possible. One suggestion that may help is making a lifestyle change – such as eating habits and exercise.
It is recommended by the Journal of General Internal Medicine that doctors to begin educating their patients on how to make these changes rather than starting them out on a new medication. While these suggestions may work in some cases, other cases may need care for the underlying cause of head pain.
Migraines can have a negative effect on one’s quality of life, lasting for as long as a few days at a time. Dr. Elster, an upper cervical chiropractor, did some research that revealed an interesting connection. Most people suffering from migraine pain also have a misalignment in the bones of the upper neck due to some type of head or neck trauma in the past. Her results showed just how much an adjustment to the top neck bones could help with migraine pain.
Here at Crowder Specific Chiropractic, we help our migraine patients by using a gentle method to correct misalignments of the upper cervical spine. Some patients have seen positive results after the very first visit. Many see their migraines improve or even go away completely.
To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Crowder, call our McKinney office at 972-449-5845. You can also click the button below.
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