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Neck Pain and Other Negative Effects of Prolonged Sitting

neck pain

Here’s a piece of advice from a McKinney TX neck pain chiropractor: Avoid prolonged sitting at all costs. You may wonder what sitting for prolonged periods have to do with neck pain and other health issues. 

Sitting for an extended time can be dangerous to your health in so many ways. In this article, you will discover how hazardous sitting really can be. Also, we will help you find a natural way of getting neck pain relief if you already suffer from it.


Sitting for Too Long Is Bad For Your Health

Most people have firsthand experience about the health risks involved from sitting for hours at a time. Sometimes, people even feel guilty when they take a long spree of watching movies at home. Why is sitting for a long time dangerous? It is unsafe, especially when done day after day. Here is a valuable article to help you understand what happens in our bodies when we sit too long regularly. Take a glimpse of these 12 health hazards:

  1. Neck Pain

When sitting down for work, people tend to crane their necks forward to see their computer screens better or use their keyboards. Also, some hold their phones between the shoulder and ear. These awkward positions strain the cervical vertebrae and cause imbalance. Fortunately, a McKinney TX neck pain chiropractor can help you find long-lasting relief.

  1. Backache and Sore Shoulders

Sitting for long periods encourages slouching and you forget about your proper posture. Slumping forward from too much sitting overextends the back and shoulder muscles. As a result, many suffer from back pain and inflamed shoulders. 

  1. Foggy Brain

Getting fresh blood and oxygen to the brain is crucial. We do this by moving our muscles and doing exercises. Cardiovascular exercises are excellent. It keeps the heart pumping faster and stimulates increased blood flow to the brain. It also helps release natural mood-enhancing chemicals. Being sedentary slows down the heart rate and everything in your body. Less activity also reduces thinking ability and other brain functions.

  1. Weak Glutes (Muscles of the Buttocks)

When you sit, you don’t work your glutes. When this happens, there is a tendency for the glutes to get used to doing nothing. As a result, the glutes become soft, and this can harm your body's stability.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and chronic neck pain, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

  1. Mushy Abs

Whenever you sit up, stand straight, or move in any particular way, your abdominal muscles always keep you upright. When you sit for too long, you begin to develop tight back muscles and weak abs. This combination can cause problems on your spine's natural arch. 

  1. Tight Hips

An individual with flexible hips is well-balanced and in good shape. People who sit for prolonged durations tend to avoid using their hip flexor muscles in the front. When these muscles become less used, they become short and tight, thus limiting your range of motion. In seniors aged 65 and above, their decreased hip mobility is the leading cause of why they tend to fall.

  1. Softer Bones

Exercise is good for the body, and this is a fact. Walking and running can stimulate the hip and lower-body bones to grow stronger and thicker. When you stay in your seat for long hours regularly, the lack of activity puts you at a higher risk of osteoporosis.

  1. Poor Circulation in the Legs

Prolonged sitting slows the circulation of blood, causing fluid to pool in the legs. As a result, this can lead to varicose veins, swollen ankles, and dangerous blood clots called deep vein thrombosis.

  1. Inflexible Spine

Regular movement causes the soft discs between the vertebrae to contract and expand as sponges enable them to soak up nutrients and blood. On the other hand, prolonged sitting causes these discs to become packed together unevenly, causing stress and pressure.

  1. Disc Damage

People who sit for long periods watching television or working are more likely to get herniated lumbar discs. To prevent disc damage, you can take a few minutes of break time from sitting too long. Then do some slow stretches to promote blood circulation and remove tension from the spine and neck.

  1. Heart Disease 

Sitting down for long periods causes the body's muscles to burn less fat, and blood flow will become slower than average.  As a result, this causes fatty acids to clog the arteries easily. A sedentary lifestyle increases cholesterol and high blood pressure. People who sit for extended periods are twice more inclined to have cardiovascular disease compared to individuals with an active lifestyle.

  1. Risk of Dying Young

People who sit and watch TV got observed in an eight and a half year study. Those who watched TV for four or more hours a day had a 50% greater risk of cardiovascular events and death compared to individuals who did it less than two hours a day.

Getting Help for Neck Pain and Other Sitting-Related Problems

Most people may ask: Is there a way to avoid the above mentioned negative effects of sitting, particularly neck pain? Yes, there is. Upper cervical chiropractic focuses on the spine and the neck, particularly the top two bones in the upper cervical spine (the neck area). A McKinney TX neck pain chiropractor can administer this unique form of care.

Your neck is a sensitive part of the body composed of the nerves and muscles. When you overextend your neck muscles, whether because of sitting for too long, normal wear and tear, or an accident of some sort that involved the neck and head, a misalignment may likely occur.

Any slight misalignment in the top bones of the spine may be the cause of your neck pain or backache or other health issues. By keeping the atlas (C1) and axis (C2) vertebrae in proper alignment, you maintain adequate balance to your body, thus making you feel better overall. When the neck and spine are in their best condition, the rest of the body and the central nervous system function well.Call our office at (972) 562-0674. You can also visit this link to contact us. Get in touch with our McKinney TX neck pain chiropractor. Let your neck pain and other health problems be a thing of the past.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Crowder, call our McKinney office at (972) 562-0674. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

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