(972) 562-0674
1502 W. University Drive #107 | Mckinney, Texas 75069

What is Vertigo: Let's Unpack Some Facts

Are you experiencing weird sensations such as the ground spinning or moving? Called “vertigo,” the feeling can be severe that it can make you feel unsteady on your feet. On worse days, you may call in sick to work. 

Vertigo is a sign of a wide range of various conditions. It can occur if you have some existing problems with your sensory nerve pathway, your brain, or within your ear. 

Let us unpack some facts about vertigo and explore the helpful methods to alleviate (if not eliminate) the symptoms that it brings. These methods are healthy and safe. At the end of the blog, we will introduce you to an excellent professional chiropractor for vertigo in McKinney, TX. So, hang in there and continue reading.


What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is the false feeling where the world seems like it's in continuous rotation while in reality, both your feet are holding still on the ground. Some patients with vertigo may describe the situation as dizziness.

Like dizziness, vertigo also possesses symptoms ranging from lightheadedness, balance issues, and difficulty doing a simple walk. These symptoms are the reasons why people mistake the terms for one another. 

Keep in mind that the situation can be overwhelming or extreme for individuals with vertigo. Why? It's because vertigo can cost a significant impact on a patient’s day-to-day life.


Prevalence Rate of Vertigo

One study shows that vestibular vertigo affects a quarter of people complaining of dizziness. Therefore, it is more common than you might think. In addition, the number increases with age and is much greater in women than in men.

So, older adults are more prone to the consequences vertigo brings. Older individuals with vertigo can experience worse cases such as bone fracture and injury due to loss of balance. 

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

vertigo, chiropractor for vertigo in McKinney

Causes of Vertigo: Why You May Experience Vertigo Symptoms

Vertigo develops for several reasons, and doctors deal with them on a case-by-case basis. However, below are some expected causes of vertigo.

  • BPPV – stands for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, BPPV happens when canaliths or tiny calcium particles are displaced from their proper position inside the inner ear. When they pile up in the wrong area in the ear, that’s when balance problems spark. Our inner ear is responsible for sending signals to the brain about our body and head movements relative to gravity. 
  • Meniere's Disease – a type of ear disorder that transpires due to fluid buildup inside the ear. It causes vertigo with symptoms of hearing loss and ringing in the ears. 

Other Causes of Vertigo

  • Neck and brain injury
  • Migraine headaches


Vertigo: A Possible Sign of a More Serious Condition

Vertigo brings an unsettling feeling due to its nature. In addition, nausea and other intense discomforts accompany vertigo symptoms. So, should you be more concerned?

Vertigo with less severe symptoms is not so concerning. However, Central Vertigo is a rare type of vertigo that results in more serious health concerns such as stroke and cerebellum tumor. These two affect the part of our brain that controls our balance.


Vertigo Guide: Some Care Options at Home

There are different ways to aid your symptoms of vertigo. However, the best care varies depending on what's causing yours.

Vertigo may cause debilitating symptoms, but on a brighter note, they can come and go without relying on any medical intervention (generally speaking). Thank your brain's remarkable ability to adapt to the changes inside your ear. 

If your vertigo doesn’t seem to go away, then you can try the following types of care that you can access in the comforts of your home.

  • Modified Epley maneuver
  • Herbal medicines such as ginkgo Biloba and ginger root
  • Proper hydration
  • Vitamin D supplementation


The Safe and Natural Vertigo Care to Try

If you want to avoid having to rely on long-term medication for aiding your vertigo symptoms, then you might need to take advantage of reaching out to a chiropractor in McKinney, Texas. We recommend a professional chiropractor for vertigo in McKinney, TX—none other than Dr. Crowder! He uses essential techniques in aiding vertigo symptoms so patients can regain strength and a sense of balance. 

If you had a neck or head injury in the past, it is more likely to be the cause of your vertigo symptoms. Being a professional chiropractor for vertigo in McKinney, TX for years, Dr. Crowder employs chiropractic adjustments to help correct the misalignment in your upper cervical spine. His technique can allow your nervous system to communicate better with the rest of your body, thus avoiding balance problems and other vertigo symptoms.

Upper cervical chiropractic care is non-invasive and can help your body recover on its own. So, can a chiropractor in McKinney, Texas, have the solution to your problem? To answer that question, possibly. 


Consult with a Reliable Chiropractor in McKinney Texas

Are you looking for a professional chiropractor for vertigo in Mckinney, TX? Crowder Specific Chiropractic would be happy to help you consult with a trusted upper cervical chiropractor. In addition, we offer free consultations for new patients. Great news, right? 

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Crowder by calling 9725620674 or sending us a message through our contact form. We'll respond to your messages as soon as we receive them. Also, check our website and blogs to know more about the services we offer. 


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Crowder, call our McKinney office at (972) 562-0674. You can also click the button below.

vertigo, chiropractor for vertigo in McKinney

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

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