(972) 562-0674
1502 W. University Drive #107 | Mckinney, Texas 75069

5 False Statements Every Neck Pain Sufferer Should Stop Saying


Is there anyone who has never experienced neck pain? As professional upper cervical chiropractors in McKinney, uur guess is that the number is very small. Nearly everyone has experienced neck pain in life, in one way or another. For the luckier ones, neck pain can be minor discomfort, stiffness, or “crick” that goes away after a day or two. For others, neck pain can morph into a severe and incapacitating condition that can obstruct day-to-day activities such as driving a car or performing your favorite hobbies or sports.

Your neck is very mobile. You can turn it in many directions. It does the complex job of supporting your head on top of it. Due to its constant balancing, the neck is susceptible to injuries or conditions that result in pain, discomfort, or reduced range of motion. Pain can come from different sources, including degenerating joints or discs, sore muscles, strained ligaments, and compressed nerves.

Chronic Neck Pain Sufferers Should Stop Saying These Lines

Do these five statements sound familiar to you? You have most likely heard of these lines if you or anyone close to you has been suffering from neck pain that persists or radiates. However, there are NO TRUTHS to each of these common sayings.

1. “My job isn’t physically taxing, so it’s not the cause of my neck pain.”

One of the most popular misconceptions about neck pain is that only people working blue-collar jobs or physically demanding professions will develop neck problems. The truth is those people who have jobs that entail long hours of sitting, working at a computer, or talking on the telephone are equally prone to have neck pain due to their daily tasks.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and chronic neck pain, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

2. “I just need more rest for my sore neck to heal.”

Getting more rest doesn’t automatically equate to healing. Rest may not be the best method to be relieved of neck or back pain. Taking a day to recover is fine, but having extended hours of physical inactivity or bed rest may do more harm. Being inactive can further result in soreness and muscle stiffness. This can backfire and intensify your pain levels even more and tempt you into continuing to be sedentary for longer. Engage in gentle exercises such as yoga, walking, or simple range of motion exercises to get rid of your neck pain.

3. “Bad genes caused my neck pain.”

Most reported cases of neck and back pain are not hereditary. Just because your mom, dad, and other family members suffered from neck pain doesn’t automatically mean you’ll have the same fate. A more significant factor in the development of neck pain is habits or lifestyle choices. Maintaining good posture and avoiding slouching like mom always did or lifting heavy equipment improperly like dad can be more of a help than other things.

4. “It’ll just go away on its own.”

While some mild cases of neck pain do really go away quickly, chronic cases of neck pain stay much longer for weeks or even months. If you’ve been suffering from a sore, stiff, or radiating neck pain for some time now, the odds are slim that it will resolve on its own. Severe neck pain needs more than a “watch and wait” approach and may require medical intervention.

5. “I’m aging, so I must learn to live with my neck pain.”

Aches and neck pain do not necessarily come along with age. While it is true that it may take more effort to keep in good shape when you’re older, it doesn’t mean that neck pain is inevitable. It can be avoided if you stay physically active, eat healthy foods, and take good care of your spine. As mentioned above, maintaining healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle can be a great help. If you take the time to care for yourself, then tasks like having to run up a flight of stairs can still be done even when you’re old.    

Natural Option for Permanent Neck Pain Relief

You don’t have to give up and resign yourself to putting up with your neck pain when a mild, natural, and long-term solution is available for you upper cervical chiropractic care! It is designed to give neck pain sufferers their much-needed relief. But why choose upper cervical chiropractic care? These reasons may convince you:

  • Addresses the root cause of many neck pain conditions – You don’t have to chase around symptoms when you are treated by an upper cervical chiropractor. By returning the position of the atlas vertebra to its correct position, we are addressing the root of many neck pain problems.  
  • Focused Relief Care – We concentrate on the topmost vertebra of the spine – the atlas (C1). The C1 is the most mobile vertebra of the entire spine. It supports the weight of the head and protects the brainstem, a vital part of the central nervous system. Upper cervical chiropractic sees the prominent role that the C1 plays and ensures the optimal positioning of the atlas vertebra. If the atlas is misaligned, the head becomes tilted, resulting in strain and tension on the rest of the neck.
  • Precise Adjustment – All our patients undergo a couple of thorough examinations and assessments so that we can personalize their care.  We measure your misalignment and calculate a specific adjustment tailor-made for each of our patient’s case and body.
  • Gentle Approach – The adjustments we perform to correct an atlas misalignment are very mild, painless, and do not require loud popping or cracking of the neck. Our modifications are gentle as they are done using very detailed measurements taken from every patient to ensure we are giving an accurate adjustment.

Our McKinney upper cervical chiropractic clinic, Crowder Specific Chiropractic, can give you lasting results and help you get back to feeling excellent and living your life at its optimum.  Call us to schedule a consultation and learn more about our exceptional approach towards helping neck pain patients find relief.





To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Crowder, call our McKinney office at 972-449-5845. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

Crowder Specific Chiropractic

Helping patient's with their health problems and to determine the course needed to get the them back to health.

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2:00pm – 6:00pm
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